Sunday, August 29, 2010

White Tee Shirt

I absolutely love to do original oil painting portraiture.  If I am able to get a good likeness right off the bat, it is just so much fun.  This is the portrait in oil on linen of a young girl.  I think I did attain the likeness and I also like the softness of this piece.  Colors are all muted and edges are primarily soft.  This is not for sale.


  1. Hello Anne MArie. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Are you looking as forward to the 'Jurick workshop as I am? Can't wait.
    Your work is lovely. I see you like painting on linen too. I like the items you put in your still lifes. Sweet scenes.
    Look forward to seeing you in Nov!

  2. Thanks Carol. I look forward to our workshop as well. Thanks also for the nice comments.
